How should we understand gender parity?
In Mexico, gender parity is a constitutional principle that refers to balanced, fair, and legal participation, which ensures that just like men, women in all their diversity have equal participation and representation in the democratic life of our country.
According to the National Institute for Women (Inmujeres), in practice, parity translates into a greater opening of spaces for political participation of women in decision-making positions.
Gender parity in Mexico
In 2019, Congress approved reforms to the Political Constitution to incorporate Parity in Everything. The reform establishes the constitutional obligation to observe the principle of parity in the integration of the Powers of the Union, this scheme must be the same for the states and integration of municipalities.
The modifications and additions deal with the observance of the principle of parity in the election of representatives of the municipalities with an indigenous population, in addition, the municipalities must form their councils under the principle of gender parity, the citizenry has the right to be able to be voted in conditions of parity for all positions of popular election; The principle of gender parity must be observed in the appointments of the heads of the office secretaries of the Federal Executive Power and their equivalents in the states.