Through a seven-page document, the Government of Gustavo Petro presented the changes that the new public energy service policy would have. This is the draft decree “by which Decree 1073 of 2015, the only regulation of the administrative sector of the Mining and Energy sector, is modified and added.”
(Read: Services regulated by the Government, among those that increase inflation the most).
The draft will be open to comments until next Wednesday, April 19, 2023. It seeks establish policies and guidelines to promote the efficiency and competitiveness of the public service; measures for the market are also added.
According to the document, new measures and guidelines are added to ensure the provision of the service for promote competitive schemes for the selection of the Provider of Last ResortPUI.
In the same way, the separation of portfolio risks between agents that serve mcompetitive markets and agents that serve users in special areas.
In addition, participation in the wholesale market is sought. This would put the Energy and Gas Regulation Commission, Creg adDesign necessary mechanisms for users and demand aggregators.
(In addition: Government appoints two of the six expert commissioners of the Creg).
In this way they will be able tomay voluntarily offer reductions or disconnections of demand in the Wholesale Energy Market in order to give reliability to the National Interconnected System, support Firm Energy Obligations, reduce prices in the Energy Market and the costs of restrictions“, they stipulate.
The commission will analyze the feasibility and convenience of making user consumption measurement requirements more flexibleaccording to the document.
In this way, advanced measurement infrastructure schemes will be sought, so that theResidential users who implement them are exempted from the energy charge reactive regardless of its level of active energy consumption.
In the framework applicable to energy purchases destined for the Regulated Market, the objective is for all users to obtain the benefits of competition in the Wholesale Energy Market and Reduce your exposure to fluctuating stock prices.
(Read: Government measures to curb inflation that does not stop rising).
“As part of the operating regulations of the Wholesale Energy Market, technical procedures must be implemented to detect, in real time, the possible exercise of a dominant position by agents in the energy offers on the stock market that they submit to the National Dispatch Center, CND , as well as mitigate its impact on the stock price“, says the draft decree.
Economy and business-WEATHER