In Colombia, Groups 1 and 2 of Sisbén IV They meet people in situation of greater economic vulnerability. In this sense, both sets are prioritized to access social programs such as Citizen Income and Educational Subsidies. What are the groups that integrate these classifications and their characteristics?
According to the official site of the potential beneficiary identification system of social programs, the GRUPO 1 corresponds to group Awhile the Group 2 refers to group B. These are the details that must be taken into consideration of each segment:
– Group A or Group 1:
Group A is formed by the population with the lowest income generation capacity or population in extreme poverty. Each group is composed of subgroups, formed by a letter and a number, and also differ by its greater or lesser income generation capacity. In this way, Group A is made up of 5 subgroups (A1-A5)
It should be noted that a person at level A1 will have a lower capacity to generate income than that of the A5.
-Group b o Group 2:
Group B is composed by poor homes, but with greater capacity to generate income than those of Group A. In this sense, this segment is made up of 7 subgroups (from B1 to B7).
(Read: Colpensiones: Thus you can calculate how much your pension will be in 2025)
How can surveys be requested with the sisbén?
If you want to ask for a SISBEN IV survey, it is a procedure that the person who is in charge of the home through entry to the following website:
If it is the first time you access this platform you will have to register your data.
Do not forget that in this form You will have to deliver contact data such as the identification documents of the people who live with you and also the address of your residence.
In case you decide to do it in person, you can attend any of the offices that Sisbén has in the different cities of the country or in the municipalities along Colombian land.
(Read: What is the maximum age to join Colpensiones?)
How can I consult my sisbén with the ID number in 2025?
To consult the classification of your home in the sisbén you must take the following steps:
1) Enter the official website of the entity:
2) Select the document type and digit your identification number.
3) Click “Consultation.”
4) Click Print (optional).
Remember that the consultation that is generated is an official document and validates the information that is registered in the certified national base published by the DNP.
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