Welfare Pension payment schedule
This Thursday, the Secretary of Welfare, Ariadna Montiel, announced the payment schedulein alphabetical order. This January 2, the payment will be made for beneficiaries whose first letter of their last name is A.
TOJanuary 2
bJanuary 3
cJanuary 4 and 6
D,E,FJanuary 7
gJanuary 8 and 9
H, I, J, KJanuary 10
lJanuary 11
MJanuary 13 and 14
N, Ñ, OJanuary 15
P, QJanuary 16
RJanuary 17 and 18
YesJanuary 20
T,U,VJanuary 21
W,X,Y,ZJanuary 22
How much is the Welfare pension in 2025
In 2025, the bimonthly payment for seniors will be 6,200 pesos. And for people with disabilities it will be 3,200 pesos.