Type 2 bipolarity is a genetic disease, however it does not always manifest itself.
For the bipolarity gene to be activated depends a lot on the life of the person. According to WHO data from 2019, around 45 million people worldwide have bipolar disorder; while in Ecuador there is no data
specific about this.
Testimony of living with bipolarity
«I am Valeria (protected name) and I have type 2 bipolarity. It seems that I have two faces.
Even when I see the mirror I reflect that. I look at myself and pause briefly, while
I debate whether to go back to bed or whether it’s time to get up and have a productive day. my
nostrils absorb the smell of sweat and I don’t care. I feel like I lost count
How many days do I not bathe? I go back to bed to sink into my thoughts. Another day
more feeling incompetent, another day without changing my clothes, another day in the
same unmade bed. I’ve been in bed for a month.”
This phase is known as depressive, and it is the strongest and most durable, explains Doménica
Capelo, psychologist. “Many patients stop doing their usual activities, losing
even your personal hygiene, “he adds.
Valeria’s father says that the symptoms began at the age of 12, when he saw that his daughter had cuts on her body. Although her parents did not know that she had hers, at the age of 15 they took Valeria to her first psychiatrist. «At that time my daughter did not have type 2 bipolarity but depression; however a sexual abuse it was the one that triggered the gene for bipolarity.”
“Be very careful with your children, a small change in their mood can be a
early symptom of mental illness Mental health is in its infancy
Ecuador, always demand diagnostic testsso that the same thing doesn’t happen to me
daughter Valeria, that each ‘professional’ gave her a different diagnosis’» she adds.
The psychologist explains that patients with bipolarity can reach deep depression, where ideas of suicide or self-harm begin to emerge, such as cuts, burns or blows.’ That is why she recommends being aware of the signs or indications that people with this condition present. disorder.
The other phase of bipolarity
“On other days, I am a self-centered person like Narciso. where i can finish
with the world. There are no dangers, just impulsiveness. However, these days the energy
consumes my body, like an overloaded cable about to explode. I
I contract to the point that they have told me that it can give me paralysis, but I cannot
get rid of me I am the faithful prey of the deadly predator, called hypomania. standing still is not
an option and much worse to sleep.
This stage is called hypomanic disorder. bipolar type 2, which is just as risky as depression. In this phase, impulsiveness is what rules. Unnecessary and excessive spending occurs, there may be drug use or it isnarcotics, dexplains Capelo.
This is a work done by USFQ journalism students. Author: Maria Paz Capelo.