Expenditure dynamics evidenced an improvement at the end of 2024, What could indicate the end of the ‘storm’ For households in terms of consumption.
(Read more: Household expense closed 2024 in positive field: what promoted its rise?)
According to the most recent Gastometry report of the Raddar firm, in the last quarter of last year, the annual growth of this indicator maintained the upward trend, being December the month of greatest recovery. The data show that for the closing of that period, the figure reached 2.02%.
The last month of 2024, all spending baskets were located on positive terrain. In that sense, it is highlighted that the annual expense dynamics, in that month, was favored by four items: entertainment (3.9%), meals outside the home (3.6%), electro (3.3%) and home foods (3.2%).
In this period of time there was also a growth in the fashion category, with 3.1%; Education, with 3%, and housing, with 1.8%.
Raddar said that by 2025 this trend could be maintained depending on the evolution of the main indicators of the Colombian economy.
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Credit use was reactivated
The annual credit placement of Colombian households also saw an improvement.
The consumer credit rate went from 26.77% in December 2023 to be located in 19.82% at the end of last year. For its part, The credit card rate went from 30.98% to 24.89%, and mortgage credit, from 17.39% to 12.15%.
The firm also stressed that another factor that contributed to dissipate the ‘storm’ was the behavior of inflation and its sustained deceleration.
In that context, throughout 2024, The main sources that promoted household dynamics They were: wages and income, with a contribution of 73.65%; Consumer loans, with 21.92%, and remittances, with 4.42%.
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