Sebastián Villarejo, former presidential candidate for Patria Querida, affirmed that they are motivated in the same way because they transmitted a message. However, he warned about the low turnout of the electorate with 12% of the electorate.
“I think the participation is definitely a huge challenge for April to look for the victory. That will be key mainly. They were internal ones marked by the structure. The double that usually participates in April did not participate now, ”he said.
He affirmed that they will continue working to locate their legislators. He also announced that they have already called the sheet made up of Efraín Alegre and Soledad Núñez to congratulate them on the victory.
Alegre and Núñez achieved 59% of the votes with 344 thousand votes. In second place was Hugo Fleitas with Bruno Balmelli with 99 thousand votes and 17% of the total. Villarejo finished in fourth place with 4% of the votes with only 27 thousand.