In a video sent to the editorial office of the newspaper todaya young woman identified as Bettymakes a call to the Monte Cristi authorities to that they make a greater effort to apprehend a man who allegedly set his house on fire and murdered one of his children.
“I call on the authorities of Monte Cristisince it does six months, a heartless fiend burned down my house with my three children inside; he killed me son shot and leaving me for dead”, said the young woman.
“Until now the authorities tell me that the earth swallowed him, meanwhile residents of the sector Hatilla Palma and La Guajaca They say the guy is in the area,” he said. Betty.
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He went on to state that the alleged murderer threatens to “kill her” and that until then it will not be handed over to the authorities.
“That damn murderer is on the prowl, that man He has said that until he kills me and my children he will not turn himself in or kill himself. I fear for the lives of my children and for mine too, ”she pointed out.
He exclaimed, “what are you waiting for later to get on the news, he killed her, he killed her. Justice still doesn’t tell me we caught unot or the other, I don’t knowtelling me anything because they’re not doing anything.”
the young Betty asked help to share this video so that it can reach the general authorities of the Public ministry.