The vice president of Argentina, Victoria Villarruelhas decided to extend the freezing of senators’ allowances until March 31, 2025. This measure was taken after a series of movements and presentations of notes by various political blocks in recent weeks, as Infobae announced on Tuesday.
The freezing of senators’ allowances, signed by Victoria Villarruelwas initially implemented in response to growing social and political pressure to control government spending and show solidarity with the Argentine people in times of economic hardship.
The original measure expired on December 31, 2024, which generated a debate about whether it should be extended or not. In recent weeks, several political blocks, including the Frente Renovador de la Concordia Social, La Libertad Avanza (LLA), the PRO, the UCR, Las Provincias Unidas and Libertad, Trabajo y Progreso, presented notes to Villarruel requesting an extension of the freeze. .
These blocks argued that it was necessary to maintain the measure to avoid a significant increase in the senators’ allowances, which could have reached 9.5 million gross monthly pesos in February.
Finally, Villarruel He gave in to pressure and signed a decree to extend the freezing of diets until March 31, 2025. In his announcement, Villarruel highlighted that the measure had the support of most political blocs, except Kirchnerism.
The vice president explained that her intention was for the Senate to accompany the Argentine people in the effort being made to overcome the economic crisis. The decision of Villarruel It has generated various reactions in the political and social sphere.
Some sectors have praised the measure as a gesture of responsibility and solidarity, while others have criticized it as insufficient to address the country’s structural problems.
Social leader Juan Grabois, for example, harshly criticized the increase in senators’ salaries and questioned whether legislators really understood the difficulties faced by the Argentine people. He also urged senators to give up their allowances and support a bill to definitively organize the hierarchical salaries of the State.
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