MIAMI, United States. — Several communities in the province of Pinar del Río continue without electricity more than a month after the passage of Hurricane Ian.
Despite mostly affecting the western region of Cuba, the storm left a large part of the country without electricity for a week. Since then, the service has been gradually restored.
According to information published last Thursday by the digital portal Cubadebate, 96% of customers already have electricity in their homes. However, towns in municipalities such as San Juan and Martínez continue without the service.
“We buy the food of the day, because if you do it for two or three days it will spoil. We have to go to Pinar del Río (about 22 kilometers) and get it ´on the left´ in the MLC because in the warehouse there is none”, she declared to the EFE Agency a 44-year-old woman who was not identified by that means.
Until last November 10, in the municipalities of San Juan y Martínez and San Luis, two of the hardest hit by Ian, the restoration of the electrical service had not yet reached 75%. Its inhabitants are not only kept in the dark, but also have trouble cooking food.
Faced with this situation, several interviewees assured the EFE Agency that they have been forced to buy oil or coal to cook, or, directly, cut down trees and bushes to make firewood.
The Spanish media also confirmed that in San Juan y Martínez and San Luis the State has not been able to guarantee the necessary materials to those who suffered damage to their homes.
It is estimated that more than 108,000 homes were partially or totally destroyed by the hurricane, of which only 7,000 have been repaired.
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