The friginca scandal has concentrated in Lima, but the Victims are poor schoolchildren of Cabana (Juliaca, Puno) and Blackpampa (Chota, Cajamarca). After almost a year of poisoning, students still suffer from sequels reported by the consumption of preserves that distributed suppliers authorized by Qali Warmanow called Wasi Mikuna.
“Two of my daughters poisoned. Sometimes we don’t know what to do. At any time it gives them stomach and head pain. They hardly tolerate any food. Our children have vanished in our hands, they have almost left, ”said EF, mother of the 13 -year -old YNCF girls, and Stcf, 14. The mother of the minors asked the Republic not to identify her fully, because she fears the reprisals of the authorities.
The girls belong to the Gamaliel Churata school, in the district of Cabana, located in the Puneña province of San Román (Juliaca). In total, 32 students were affected for the consumption of canned Don Simón, of Frigoinca, distributed by the suppliers of Qali Warma.
On January 15, 2024, Qali Warma granted the Grupo Eden Foods consortium, composed of Ruth Cabrera Andrade, Beganx Corporation and Investments A’Nghiam, represented by Ruth Cabrera Andrade, resident in Juliaca, a contract for S/3,753,307 to distribute food to several locations, including Cabana. A few weeks later, on March 25, 2024, poisoning was reported.
No one has been sanctioned in this case.
From day number one, it was intended to hide the fact.
“We recover one of my daughters with oxygen. He was unconscious in the hospital. That day they told me: ‘You have not cooked how it should be, ”said EF, the mother of the two intoxicated girls.
You can see: Qali Warma suppliers: “They forced us
The distraction operation
Only when some novelty of the case appears in Lima, the authorities react.
“The Qali Warma sent us to the American Clinic, in Juliaca, but only for analysis. They did not give us the results. After that, no one from the government had approached us. After nine months, a few days ago, the Ministry of Health appeared and took our children to the gastroenterologist of the Carlos Monge Medrano hospital. It was after the reports on television about horse meat came out. Nor do we know the results, ”said the witness.
For Stc F,. The experience was traumatic. He was about to lose his life and saw how his teammates vanished one after another. He also reported the sequelae in his body after poisoning with Don Simón.
“There are times when my stomach hurts, my head and I still have nausea. I have to pass it with the lemon. Some of my classmates are the same or worse. I remember that day I began to feel bad at two minutes or something, it happened when we were already in formation for the flag. I had begun to turn my head. Then, when I was already in classes, my head hurt. I saw how several of my colleagues had fallen and then I had fainted. Then they have taken me to the post, ”said Stcf
The mother of the girls affected by the preserves Don Simón de Frigoinca admitted that given the lack of attention of the authorities he has had to resort to the private medical service. “They have abandoned us,” he said, with bitterness and fear.
Wasi Mikuna informed the Republic that in the case of Consortium Grupo Eden Foods, which provided the products, was sanctioned with 10% of the contract (approximately S/375,000) and it was resolved by the cause of supply of “a product not suitable for human consumption.” Also, the agency has proceeded to denounce companies that are part of the consortium for the alleged crime against public health.
On the side of the victims, nothing happens.
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“They are psychological problems”
The director of the College of Cabana, Julio Puma, declared that, although there are children who must be transferred to Lima because their health is still delicate as an effect of poisoning, “so far There is no state institution that guarantees students’ stay and of the parents in the capital.
In Cajamarca, the story is repeated.
Eh, father of SH (13), one of the 36 students from the Lord de los Milagros schoolfrom the Poblapampa town center (Chota, Cajamarca, who became ill to consume Don Simón de Frigoinca, said that his daughter currently presents some of the same symptoms of the day of poisoning, on April 5, 2024.
“Sometimes his stomach hurts, he has some discomfort, but I had to take it to private doctors because at the José Hernán Soto hospital (from Chota) they no longer wanted to attend to her. They told us that theirs was something ‘psychological’. While private doctors mentioned that he was suffering from the sequelae of poisoning, ”said EH, dad of the girl
In the case of Negopampa, where poisoning was recorded after the consumption of canned Don Simón, Qali Warma awarded the contract to the D&M consortium, made up of the companies Corporation F&M San Antonio and Fresh Planet Foods, represented by Sherly Chuquizuta Loja, resident in Cajamarca . The amount was for S/6,632,393.
Wasi Mikuna reported to the Republic that in none of the cases (Cabana y Negopampa) the school feeding program bought Don Simón’s preserves directly to Frigoinca, whose some of his specimens were apparently in poor condition.
You can see: Martín Riepl denies purchase of Cellular Cellular A Frigoinca, company by Nilo Burga
But it is also true that by provision of Qali Warma, the companies that participate in the tenders earn more scores if they prove that they are supplied with the products of factories in the macro -regional area.
For example, in the case of the Eden Foods Group Consortium, which supplied the Cabana College, offered Don Simón products that allegedly had a producer in Puno. And the D&M consortium, which provided food for the College of Black Pampa, obtained the good pro because it offered the preserves of Frigoinca, whose factory is located in Chepén, La Libertad, adjacent to Cajamarca.
But there is something else. The Suppliers chose Frigoinca products because they met the technical specifications indicated by Qali Warma.
Moreover, Wasi Mikuna reported to the Republic that “in June 2024 (after the poisoning of March and April of that year), Digesa (General Directorate of Environmental Health) replied that, according to microbiological analysis, the aforementioned products (Don Simón) were suitable for human consumption. ”
However, the component companies of the Eden Foods Group Consortium They have also been denounced for the crime against public health. However, unlike D&M ConsortiumWasi Mikuna has not resolved the contract and has not applied an economic sanction of 10% of the total contract.
“Wasi Mikuna guarantees that no company, individually or as a member of a consortium, which has delivered products not suitable for human consumption that put health at risk, may sign contract for this year,” said the program. Meanwhile, affected schoolchildren