Home South AmericaVenezuela Vice President met with the settlers’ movement

Vice President met with the settlers’ movement

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Vice President met with the settlers' movement

The Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, held a meeting on Wednesday with representatives of the Movement of Residents, where she received proposals on the draft Law on Social Production for Housing and Habitat.

During the meeting, they evaluated the Residential Workers Law in detail, with the aim of undertaking the development of the regulation of the standard, still pending, as requested by President Maduro on Tuesday, with a view to guaranteeing the development of urban planning, as well as to avoid illegal evictions in the country of residential workers.

The meeting follows the instructions of the president Nicholas Maduroin order to propose modifications to the housing law adapted to the new times for the protection of the Venezuelan people.

Therefore, the National Executive created a delegation that is made up of the Ministry of People’s Power for Habitat and Housing, communes and the National Assembly with the purpose of analyzing and guaranteeing compliance with the protection laws on this issue.

This Tuesday the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, met with a group from the Movement of Residents and Residents who made a series of requests for their progress.

The Minister of Communes and Social Movements Jorge Arreaza He assured that the meeting was proposed by these movements in order to demand respect for their struggles.

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