From November 10 to 11, Havana will host the VI International Cooperation Conference of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS).
The meeting, presided over by the motto The Greater Caribbean united towards economic recovery and sustainable and safe tourismwill emphasize an inclusive sustainable tourism agenda that includes the use of biodiversity, the conservation of the environment and natural resources.
The sixth edition is aimed at strengthening the role of the ACS in conceiving and implementing regional projects to strengthen unity, integration and cooperation among member states.
The ACS is the organization for consultation, cooperation and concerted action in the field of trade, transport, sustainable tourism and natural disasters in the area.
It seeks the strengthening and integration of the countries of the Caribbean area with the aim of creating a common economic space and promoting the sustainable development of its members.
It was created on July 24, 1994 in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.