The “Mandatory Vehicle Verification Program for the First Semester of 2025” derives from various legislations with the objective of protecting human health, the Environment and improving the quality of the air that the inhabitants of the Valley of Mexico breathe.
Who verifies in January and February?
Vehicles with yellow stickers and finishing with plates 5 or 6.
February and March
Owners of cars with pink stickers and a 7 or 8 license plate finish.
Who verifies in March and April?
Vehicles with red stickers and finishing with plates 3 or 4.
April and May
Owners of vehicles with green stickers and license plate finish 1 or 2.
May and June
Vehicles with blue stickers and finishing with plates 9 or 0.
Cost and schedule
The verification centers offer hours from Monday to Saturday, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
“The cost for the vehicle verification services provided by the Verificentros, for all types of Verification Certificates (“Hologram “0”, “1”, “2”, Rejection and Technical Evaluation), as well as the incentive “00” that is delivered to the user, is 5,625 times the current Unit of Measurement and Update plus the Value Added Tax (VAT).”
However, the value of the UMA for 2025 is not yet established.
In what cases is the calendar extended?
The CDMX Environment Secretariat establishes that the verification period may be extended for a period of 15 calendar days, as long as the vehicles are in one of the following cases:
1. Have obtained a rejection in the last 7 calendar days of your period in the same Vehicle Verification Center.
2. That the vehicle cannot carry out the current verification because the debt consultation portal (SAF or ADIP or appointment to verify) does not reflect previous payment or payments made during the last seven calendar days of the period for violations of the Mexico City Traffic Regulations with economic sanctions and sanctions to the Regulation of the Environmental Law on Land Protection in the Federal District, regarding Vehicle Verification.
2. That the vehicle cannot carry out the current verification due to the debt consultation portal (SAF or ADIP or appointment to verify) does not reflect previous payment or payments made during the last seven calendar days of the period for violations to the Traffic Regulations of Mexico City with economic sanctions and sanctions to the Regulations of the Environmental Law for Land Protection in the Federal District, regarding Vehicle Verification.
Under these assumptions, the extension for each period is subject to the following calendar:
(Photo: Screenshot of sedema.cdmx)
Are there fines for not verifying?
Yes, the capital authorities establish fines; However, so far they have not been determined, because the latest information refers to the second half of 2024. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to the official channels of authorities such as Sedema, to find out how much it will be, which It is established according to the value of the UMA of 2025.
“Pay a fine for untimely vehicle verification for 20 times the current Unit of Measurement and Update. The validity of the payment of the fine is 30 calendar days counted from the day after making the payment December 27, 2024 OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF MEXICO CITY 27 of the same, being the time you have to be able to carry out and approve the vehicle vehicle verification”, details the CDMX Gazette.