The candidate for the Presidency of the Republic by the PSTU, Vera Lucia, defended today (31) the nationalization of companies that cause environmental disasters. The proposal was presented on her profile on the social network Twitter.
The nationalization will be “without compensation and under the control of the workers”. According to her, capitalism does not combine with environmental preservation.
“Only a socialist, egalitarian society without exploiters will be able to build a harmonious relationship with the environment and respect native and traditional populations”, he argued.
She also lamented, on her Twitter profile, the death of the indigenous known as the “Indian of the Hole”, the last remnant of an unidentified ethnic group, who was massacred in the 1990s. Since then, he has lived isolated in the Tanaru Indigenous Land, in Rondônia.
“The death of the ‘Indio do Buraco’ or ‘Indio Tanaru’ is the final execution of an ethnic group victim of rampant colonization, the installation of farms and illegal logging, which resulted in deaths and the expulsion of indigenous people from the TI [Terra Indígena] Tanuru from their land,” Vera said on Twitter.
The candidate fulfilled her schedule in Rio Grande do Sul, where she gave interviews and participated in leafleting at Praça Saldanha Marinho, in Santa Maria (RS). At the beginning of the night, she will participate in a plenary session with the militancy and supporters.
Click here and check the candidates schedule to the Presidency of the Republic for this Wednesday (31).