The PSTU candidate for the Presidency of the Republic, Vera Lúcia, defended today (26) the immediate demarcation of indigenous lands and said she was against the thesis of the time frame for demarcation and possession of areas claimed as traditional indigenous.
“Indigenous peoples have every right to preserve their lands, their identities, their cultures. Therefore, we defend the demarcation of their lands and are against the thesis of the time frame. We defend historical reparation for native peoples”, wrote the candidate on social media.
Vera stressed that indigenous lands are not only natural spaces and a means of survival, but also act as an obstacle to environmental destruction. “Indigenous people are under great pressure not to demarcate their lands so that they can be occupied by agribusiness and for the exploitation of wood and minerals,” she added.
This morning, the candidate met with indigenous leaders in the city of Barra do Corda (MA).