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June 10, 2023
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Venezuela-Algeria Parliamentary Friendship Group installed

This Friday the Parliamentary Friendship Group was installed Venezuela-Algeriawhich will be chaired by the deputy to the National Assembly (AN) for the Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) Manuel Alfredo Hernández, to accompany and strengthen the ties of integration between both nations.

According to a press release from the AN, the installation was in charge of the second vice president of the AN, deputy América Pérez, who stressed that the National Assembly “is a space that promotes the rapprochement of the peoples of Venezuela and Algeria, within the framework of respect and cooperation, thus promoting the policy of international and legislative law with the parliaments of the world”.

In addition to deputy Manuel Alfredo Hernández, who chairs the group, present in this instance are deputy Imarú Bolívar as vice president; and parliamentarians Thayde Monzón, Kariela Medina, Lisandro José Cabello and Wills Asencio Rangel.

The installation of the group is framed within the guidelines of the president of the AN, deputy Jorge Rodríguez, who has instructed “to activate diplomacy and accompany and strengthen foreign policy integration ties led by the head of state, Nicolás Maduro,” the note said. of the AN.

Relationships of respect and solidarity

The president of the Venezuela-Algeria Parliamentary Friendship Group, deputy Manuel Alfredo Hernández, stressed that this instance allows “strengthening relations of parliamentary diplomacy between both peoples, under respect, brotherhood and solidarity.”

He also stressed that there are various cooperation agreements between Venezuela and Algeria, such as electricity and agriculture, among others.

For the parliamentarian, this group of friendship will bring great fruits in the advancement of the development of the towns.

Legacy of Hugo Chavez

For his part, the Vice Minister for Africa of the Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Relations of Venezuela, Yuri Pimentel, stressed that this act is part of the legacy of the Eternal Commander Hugo Chávez.

He noted that Chávez “deepened the relationship with the honorable Algerian government, since in more than five decades of diplomatic relations, two political consultation meetings have been held, in 2017 and 2023; four Mixed Commissions in the year 2002, 2007, 2009 and the one recently concluded this Friday”.

He highlighted the exchange of almost 40 visits by authorities at the highest level, all in the period of the Bolivarian Revolution.

Ties: pillar of parliamentary diplomacy

After the installation of the Parliamentary Friendship Group, the Algerian ambassador accredited in Caracas, Abdelkader Hadjazi, expressed that these cooperation ties are a fundamental pillar of parliamentary diplomacy that allows the construction of communication and cooperation bridges between peoples.

He emphasized that these ties of brotherhood will serve “to explore future perspectives in the midst of development and the challenges facing the world.”

Cooperation agreements

To date, Venezuela and Algeria have signed 28 cooperation agreements in the political, cultural, energy, commercial, scientific, communicational, legal, transportation, educational and electoral areas, among others.

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