This August 12 is the last opportunity for Bogota citizens to access the 10% discount in the payment of Car taxesso a high influx of citizens is expected at the collection points.
According to the Secretariat of Finance of Bogotá, the attention arranged in points such as SuperCADES of the District Administrative Center, such as the Americas Portal, July 20 and the Suba Portal will be a priority for Bogota citizens seeking to make this payment effective and access the discount on the total value.
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It is worth noting that the maximum term to make the payment of this obligation -without discount- is until August 26, 2022. In case of exceeding this date, the taxpayers will be sanctioned.
The Ministry of Finance also reminds citizens to authorize electronic notification through the mailbox in the Virtual Office of the Entity, they will obtain an additional discount of 1% on the total value of the lien.