The national vehicle production During February it registered a rise of 101.9% compared to January and an increase of 72.7% compared to the same month last yearaccording to the report of the Association of Automotive Factories (Adefa).
Thus, with 19 business days of activity, automotive terminals produced 37,661 units in the second month of the year, a figure substantially higher than the 21,809 registered in the same period of the previous year and the 18,651 units generated in January. The activity in the first month of the year was marked by the seasonal nature of that month and by the summer recess period in the vast majority of companies, Adefa explained. February results resumed the path of year-on-year growthl which had been interrupted in January, after ten consecutive months with improvements in records. The president of the entity, Martín Galdeanomaintained that “it is a positive start to the year” and anticipated that “the development of the activity will continue to be monitored in the coming months, taking into account that microprocessor supply problems and global logistical limitations still persist.”
The report released this Friday pointed out that in the accumulated of the first two months, the manufacture of 0 kilometers recorded a rise from 22.1% compared to the same period in 2021.
Meanwhile, the exports of the second month of the year had a rise of 115.4% compared to January and an increase of 33% in relation to the same month of the previous year.
In this way, the accumulated figure for the two-month period in the foreign trade segment showed an increase of 8.7% year-on-year.
Likewise, the Adefa report indicated that sales to dealers in February had a rise of 26.2% compared to January and a decrease of 4.7% in relation to the same month of last year.
Comparing the two-month period of 2022 with respect to 2021, a drop of 15.6% was registered.
The decrease is consistent with the year-on-year drop of 5.1% in car registrations in February, which was recently reported by the Association of Automotive Dealers (Acara). According to data from the Associationin the two cumulative months of the year 72,463 units were patented, this is 9.7% less than in the same period of 2021, in which 80,210 vehicles had been registered. Regarding wholesale sales, the Adefa report indicated that in February the automotive sector as a whole sold 25,432 units to dealers, 26.2% more than January deliveries and 4.7% below the volume the same month last year. In the first two months, wholesale sales accounted for 45,579 units, 15.6% less than the same period in 2021. With a view to the medium term, Adefa expressed “expectation” regarding the treatment and approval of the Law for the Promotion of new investments and that of Sustainable Mobility that will be discussed in the National Congress. In this regard, Galdeano considered that “”they will be tools that will provide an adequate regulatory framework, generating the necessary conditions to accompany the transformation of our industry and generate opportunities for new investments, production and exports and employment.”