The Ministry of Finance and Public Credit announced that as of June and every month thereafter will increase the price of fuel in order to pay the Fecp deficit and close GMC and Acpm price compensation differentials, until August 2023 and June 2024.
(Read: Government announces monthly increase in gasoline prices).
This premise was launched as a result of the fact that the Fecp is being affected.
This news did not sit well in the different sectors. For its part, the National Association for Sustainable Mobility (Andemos), headed by Oliverio García, indicated that the increase in fuel costs affects the entire family basket and in general the prices of products that require transportation such as goods and food.
“But it is a reality that fossil fuel subsidies are unsustainable. We call on the new government to advance public policies that encourage the purchase and use of new technologies that are more efficient in fuel consumption, such as all available hybrid technologies, the use of voluntary mixtures of biofuels, where the price of halos is cheaper. the greater the mixture; vehicles dedicated to gas and hydrogen later, while we migrate to a zero-emission transport”, García pointed out in this regard.
According to the latest Andemos publication, the average age of the vehicle fleet stood at 17.5 years for vehicles and 11.1 years for motorcycles and as they get older, in this way the association’s leader emphasized that this translates into “more inefficiencies in consumption are going to occur, increasing the cost of using fossil fuels, by quantity and by price.”
And it is that this impact on prices is supported by Nidia Hernández, executive president of Colfecar, who said that everything increase in fuel it will put pressure on inflation, since the prices of the goods that Colombians buy will consequently also rise.
“The monthly increase that will be made on the price of fuel will impact the costs of operations of cargo transport companies, since fuel represents 40% of the cost basket of our sector.”
In turn, Nolberto Coy, manager of the Coy group, a company dedicated to the transport of heavy cargo, said: “this 5% increase impacts us, that’s where the fight with the load generators begins because we are going to try to compensate for that increase.”
Regarding the mobilization of passengers, Beat told Portafolio that the increase in the price of fuel is one of the factors that has directly impacted passengers. drivers using mobility apps.
That is why they determined a “decrease in a service fee so that they can earn 27% more on each trip and offset their finances.”
(Also: Which gas-saving techniques really work and which don’t.)
In this way, companies begin to take action on the matter to avoid a greater impact on the profits of their operations.