Leaders of eight trade unions in the country signed a letter entitled “Defending democracy is a cause of all the Brazilian people”, released this Wednesday (8), which takes a stand against the amnesty of those involved in the coup acts of January 8, 2023 .
In the document, the entities remember the beginning of the redemocratization process, 40 years ago, with the election, albeit indirect, of Tancredo Neves. The first civilian president after the 1964 coup, Tancredo’s election marked the end of the military dictatorship in the country.
The letter celebrates the period of democracy experienced by Brazil, since 1985. “However, insistent reflections of a recent past, the Bolsonarism nostalgic for the military dictatorship, alert us to the fact that democracy is a system in permanent construction, which must be always cultivated and improved”, says the document.
The entities emphasize that everyone must get involved in this cause, which is the defense of democracy. “It is necessary to strengthen political parties, the social movement, workers’ organizations and the institutions that organize our country. Even with all the challenges it presents, only in a democracy can we fight and achieve together the appreciation of work and social and human advancement”, concludes the letter.
The document was signed by Sérgio Nobre, president of CUT (Central Única dos Trabalhadores), Miguel Torres, president of Força Sindical, Ricardo Patah, president of UGT (União Geral dos Trabalhadores), Adilson Araújo, president of CTB (Central dos Trabalhadores do Brazil), Moacyr Tesch Auersvald, president of NCST (New Workers Union Central), Antonio Neto, president of CSB (Central dos Sindicatos Brasileiros), Nilza Pereira, general secretary of Intersindical and José Gozze, president of Pública.