In the pandemic, people who were left without a job or who found themselves in financial trouble began looking in their Afore for an alternative to the crisis.
The three Afores that lead the unemployment retirements are Coppel, Azteca and Afore XXI Banorte with about 57% of the withdrawals that have been made throughout the year.
The workers who have their Afore in Coppel have withdrawn 4,296 million pesos, those of Azteca 3,626 million pesos and those of Banorte 3,441 million pesos.
From January to November, 1.8 million workers requested this unemployment support, an increase of 5.8% compared to 2020, when 1.7 million workers resorted to this resource.
In order to make withdrawals for unemployment, workers need to have 25 weeks contributing to the IMSS, as well as their biometric data; more than 46 days of being unemployed and not having applied for this support in five years.
However, it is recommended that withdrawing funds from the Afore be the last option to obtain resources, as this alternative takes weeks of contributions from the worker.