Gustavo Castillo
Newspaper La Jornada
Saturday January 21, 2023, p. 4
Admiral José Rafael Ojeda Durán, head of the Mexican Navy-Navy Secretariat (Semar), published in the Official Journal of the Federation an agreement with which it extends the powers of the Undersecretary of the Navy, in charge of Admiral José Luis Arellano Ruiz, and with this the General Directorate of Works and Dredging is attached to his command.
Naval commanders explained that given the importance of dredging and cartographic activities -since Mexico is considered in Latin America one of the main nations that have detailed hydrological and cartographic studies-, navigation activities and the construction of projects that allow expand the development of port activities.
Wanted Strengthen the organization and coordination of Semar affairs in the field of design, construction, maintenance, remodeling and demolition of public works necessary for compliance with the powers assigned to it and port works outside concession areas, as well as review , verify and approve port infrastructure projects within concession areas, and develop dredging, construction and maintenance projects in national water bodies
Semar secures two fishing vessels
On the other hand, Semar personnel attached to the seventh Naval Region seized 48,000 liters of diesel and two fishing vessels in two different actions, and arrested eight people.
The first seizure occurred “when personnel aboard an interceptor patrol sighted the fishing vessel shrimp farm Xwith four crew members on board, and carried out an inspection of it, detecting that they had approximately 20,000 liters of diesel, whose legal origin could not be verified.
The second case occurred at the dock of the integral port administration of Lerma, when carrying out “an inspection on board the fishing vessel Don Francisco R IIIwith four crew members, and approximately 28,000 liters of diesel were located, the legal origin of which could not be verified.”