Deymar Wilson Mendoza Acarapi, 30, and Herland Reynaldo Flores Ruiz, 21, were sentenced to 20 years in prison. for the crime of rape against an 11 year old girl. The sentence must be served in the Rehabilitation Center of Santo Domingo de Cantumarca in the department of Potosí.
The departmental prosecutor of Potosí, Roxana Choque, indicated that the determination was issued in an oral trial hearing in the Third Sentencing Court, where the Public Ministry argued with evidence that the two defendants are the perpetrators of the crime of rape.
“The Public Ministry presented strong evidence that demonstrates the authorship of the subjects, including the legal medical certificate of the minor, The victim’s statement in the Gesell Chamber where she reported that the subjects sexually assaulted her on repeated occasions, testimonial interviews in others that were assessed by the Court that issued a sentence, “said Choque.
The prosecutor assigned to the case, Cesia Salinas Burgos, indicated that the sexual abuse was registered in the family environment of the victim, when the minor was nine years old, but two years later the facts were only reported.
The case came to light when representatives of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents intervened in the home because the girl and her brother were abandoned. after their mother died and their father left them in the care of other relatives. It is at that moment when the girl confessed that her uncle and her stepfather they assaulted her sexually.
Given this, the staff of the Ombudsman filed the complaint against the aggressors who were apprehended by the Police and placed at the disposal of the Public Ministry. Finally, the guilt of the defendants who had already been convicted and deprived of liberty for the crime of rape was proven.