Consulted on this issue, the PAN legislator for Mexico City Gonzalo Espina, who in recent days offered his support to the inhabitants of the Santa Fe area, assures that he has already established contact with the owners of some properties, who expressed their concern for the actions that the FGR can do to try to recover the properties where there are already constructions.
“This decree has already been repealed twice, it is so absurd that, if it had not been repealed, there would be no deeds, so in many cases the neighbors have demonstrated to the authority that they are the legitimate owners. They secure the property and immediately with another investigation folder they secure it again, ”he accused.
In Santa Fé, the Deputies @GPPANCDMX we will not allow the dispossession of the private property of the neighbors
We ask the head of the Attorney General of the Republic to cease this attack and the Secretary of Government to take a stand in favor of the inhabitants of the area.– Gonzalo Espina (@gonzalo_espina)
September 23, 2022
Gonzalo Espina said that this maneuver by the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic is all that it seeks to presumably seize the land through fear of the owners.
“Whoever is stunned by the FGR wants to take away the properties, it is unfortunate that an authority that should seek justice resorts to being practical”
He explained that as a deputy he can advise the residents of Santa Fe, although in the judicial process he can do little, because – he added – that is carried out by the federal authorities as it is an action of the FGR.
Lawyer Miguel Saucedo, who is handling the case of 15 affected individuals and companies, assured that, despite the fact that there are already injunctions against any action by the FGR on the securing of properties, uncertainty remains about the fate of the investments.
“We are advancing with the civil trial and we have amparos that are already admitted. There are still no important advances, people are afraid to act and their steps are very slow. There are only 4 amparos admitted, in one of them there are several complainants ”he assured.