The need for a new system is expressed in UNAM forums extensive reform
in matters of justice
Victor Ballinas
The newspaper La Jornada
Friday, August 2, 2024, p. 6
The general attorney of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Hugo Concha Cantú, stated yesterday at the closing of the forums on judicial reform organized by the highest house of studies, that some voices in the Congress of the Union have repeated that this controversial presidential initiative It will be approved as it is, without removing a comma: so let not a single comma be removed, but let all the necessary paragraphs be added.
Concha, a jurist and university researcher, stressed: It is clear that the major shortcomings in this proposal are, first of all, the effective protection of human rights and of the victims of insecurity, a situation in which huge groups of the population find themselves.
The reform, he added, It should also pay attention to greater access to justice, to broader and better judicial protection, to a set of institutions that are more efficient in their procedures and deadlines and more effective in their impacts.
He also insisted, should pay attention to ensuring that these same institutions are bodies that are effectively accountable for their actions and do not fall into abuses or corruption networks.
The forums, he said, have given a reliable account of this need. There was consensus at the round tables on the need for a broad reform in the area of justice, but as often happens in these matters, ideas vary in the hows and the content, and that is something that is celebrated at the university, regardless of the numerous opinions expressed by 63 speakers at seven discussion tables.