The Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) issued a statement on Wednesday regarding the incident between students that occurred yesterday Tuesday in the dining room of that high House of studieswhich generated panic among those present.
According to what was reported to this medium, the fact was carried out between two studentswho a few days ago had had a fight, but it did not escalate, because the security agents intervened “quickly and in a timely manner.”
“From this academy, We promote a culture of peace and we exhort the members of this great university family to be tolerant and behave in strict accordance with the rules of coexistence of our institution.«, Said the UASD in the letter published on Twitter.
It was learned that in the incident, several students were slightly injured when they ran out of the dining room in terror.
It is recalled that the action took place minutes before the Government presented the “Single Portal of Citizen Attention”activity led by President Luis Abinader in the Aula Magna of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo.