Santo Domingo.- The The Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) announced the holding of the seminar “ICT in MSMEs”coordinated by the Faculties of Science (FC) and Economic and Social Sciences (FCES).
The seminar will be held on Thursday, September 12, with a day of conferences and panels organized by the School of Informatics and the CAPYMES Center, led by teachers Romery Alberto and Héctor Sánchez, respectively.
The activity will be chaired by the deans of the FCES, Antonio Ciriaco Cruz, and of the FC, Professor José Ferreira Capellán. It will take place in the Prof. Ricardo Michel auditorium of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences of the UASD.
The seminar will feature four lectures and a panel on the impact of artificial intelligence on MSMEs. This meeting represents a valuable opportunity to connect the university with the country’s productive sectors, strengthening the link between academia and market needs.
The importance of this seminar lies in its ability to promote the exchange of knowledge and experiences, contributing to the development of innovative solutions that boost the competitiveness of MSMEs through the use of ICT.
During the conclave, topics such as: “The Importance of ICT in MSMEs” will be addressed by Edian Franco, Project Manager in Basic and Application Sciences at MESCYT; “Benefits of Cloud Computing for MSMEs” by Augusto De Oleo, Country Manager of Google, CityWorks, and Google Partner; and “Electronic Banking and Fintech” by Alan Darío Muñoz, Executive President of Banco de Ahorro y Crédito Fihogar.
In addition, a panel will be held on the impact of artificial intelligence on MSMEs, with speakers Radhamés Silverio, Vice-Rector for Research and Postgraduate Studies at UASD; Augusto De Oleo, Country Manager of Google, CityWorks, and Google Partner; and Edian Franco, Project Manager for Basic and Applied Sciences at MESCYT. The seminar will close with the conference “Management of Statistical Data and its Importance in MSMEs”, presented by Guarionex Gómez, Director of the School of Statistics of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at UASD.