The National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane) delivered the results of the Social Pulse survey for January, in which there was evidence of a setback in the positive expectations of households.
(Business confidence rises and consumer confidence deteriorates).
One of these changes was evident in the perception of households about the national situation, where 67% of families, that is, two out of three heads of household, said that they consider that the economic situation of the country is worse today than it was 12 years ago. months.
“It is an important correction against the pessimistic outlook that we had in January 2021, of almost 28 incidence points, however, that worsening sentiment increased when compared to December 2021. It is a gain of 4.3 percentage points compared to the month of December 2021. The perception of impairment worsened”, explained the director of Dane, Juan Daniel Oviedo.
(77.2% of citizens cannot save from their salary).
Another of the results left by the Social Pulse survey for January is that 48% of households believe that their situation is worse than that of 12 months ago, and although when comparing, it improved compared to January 2021, it improves, compared to immediately previous month (December 2021) it was 2.8 points lower.
In the future, 35.5% of households consider that their situation was better in a year compared to the current one, compared to December, there was a reduction of 0.9 points, with 36.4% of households considering that your situation in a year will be better.
“Since October we have been talking about the prospects of households, both in their own situation and in the country,” Oviedo assured.
These results then affected the consumer confidence indicator (CCI), which has been measured by the Dane since June 2020, and in January 2022 it stood at a level of 35.9 points, and had a drop of 3.4 points. compared to December 2021 data. In January 2022, the ICC fell back to its lowest level in the last six months.
“The most important setback that explains the magnitude of the decrease in the ICC is in the drastic decrease given by the heads of households or their spouses to the rating of the prospects for the country’s economic situation in the next 12 months”said the director of the Dane.
(35.6% of households believe that their economic situation will improve in a year).
Oviedo recalled how in December inflationary expectations had already been slowing down the perception of the future that households have about the country’s situation, and by then that component of the indicator registered a confidence level of 50.1 points, however, by January this year it registered a new setback, which led it to a rating of 43.7.
In addition, Oviedo recalled that the consumer confidence indicator, that the Dane has been measuring since June 2020 has not managed to be above 50 points, which indicates a situation of optimism.