The National Meteorological Service (SMN) issued this Wednesday yellow alerts for storms for the coast, abundant rains for a large part of the province of Buenos Aires, and strong winds for the center of the country and mountainous areas of Santa Cruz, where an alert also applies. due to persistent snowfall.
For the center and south of the province of Buenos Aires, rain and showers of varying intensity, some of which may be locally strong, in the towns of Azul, Rauch, Tapalqué, the lower zone of Benito Juárez and Tandil, Ayacucho, Balcarce, General Guido, Maipú, the northwest of General Juan Madariaga and Mar Chiquita, and the west of General Pueyrredón.
The north of Necochea, San Cayetano, Tres Arroyos and Coronel Dorrego, the center of Lobería, Adolfo Gonzales Chaves, General La Madrid, Laprida and Olavarría, cities where values of accumulated precipitation between 40 and 70mmand may be exceeded in a timely manner, according to the SMN.
?️☔️ Tomorrow with strong storms accompanied by heavy rains and bursts in Corrientes, northern Santa Fe and southern Chaco. In the next few hours it will continue to be unstable in the region.
In addition, until the afternoon rains and showers are expected in part of the province of Bs As.
– SMN Argentina (@SMN_Argentina) October 26, 2022
storm alert
The national body also published a yellow alert for storms, some locally strong, for the center and south of Missionsthe totality of currentsmuch of Between rivers Y Santa Fethe south of Chaco and the center and south of Formosa.
Storms will be accompanied by intense gusts, occasional hail fallstrong electrical activity and abundant water fall in short periods, for which accumulated precipitation values between 20 and 50 mm are expected, and may be exceeded locally.
NMS Recommendations
The SMN recommended for these areas not to take out the garbage; remove objects that prevent water from draining; and avoid outdoor activities.
He also asked not to take shelter near trees and power poles that could fall, nor to stay on beaches, rivers, lagoons or pools to minimize the risk of being struck by lightning.
wind alert
On the other hand, the SMN launched another yellow alert due to winds for almost all of Cordovasouthwestern Santa Fethe entire province of The Pampathe south of Catamarca and the capital of that province.
In turn, the alert extends to the west of the province of Buenos Aires, in the towns of Florentino Ameghino, General Villegas, Rivadavia, Adolfo Alsina, Daireaux, Guaminí, Pellegrini, Salliqueló, Trenque Lauquen, Tres Lomas, Bolívar, Carlos Casares, Carlos Tejedor, Hipólito Yrigoyen and Pehuajó.
The area will be affected by winds from the southern sector, with speeds between 30 and 50 km/h, and gusts that can reach 75 km/h.
Between the recommendations for these areas, the SMN stressed avoiding outdoor activities; secure items that can fly; and stay informed by the authorities.
#RAIN | Accumulated rainfall (mm) until 9 am today ☔️⛈️
Pehuajo 93
Laboulaye 80
Bolívar 71
Trenque Lauquen 70
July 9 57
Olavarria 52
Blue 37
Benito Juarez 37
Colonel Suarez 34
Pigue 33
Tandil 30
Junin 29
The Flowers 27
Mark Juarez 24– SMN Argentina (@SMN_Argentina) October 26, 2022
snowfall alert
While, Santa Cruz It is also under yellow alert throughout its mountain range due to winds from the west sector with speeds between 50 and 70 km/h, and gusts that can exceed 90 km/h.
Likewise, for these Andean sectors there is an alert for persistent snowfall, some of which may be heavy, and it is expected that the accumulated snow will reach between 20 and 30 cm in height.
As the phenomenon will be accompanied by strong winds, it can be generated “Visibility reduction due to suspended snow”explained the SMN and recommended periodically removing the snow accumulated on the roofs, circulating with adequate vehicles prepared for ice and snow, and ventilating vehicles and homes to avoid carbon monoxide accumulation.
Meanwhile, the Interjurisdictional Basin Authority (AIC) of the Limay, Neuquén and Negro rivers (AIC) issued an alert due to the entry of a cold front with rain, snowfall and periods of wind with strong gusts that could affect the province. from Neuquen.
The meteorological service indicated in a statement that “periods of moderate to strong wind” are expected in the mountain range, adding that as of Thursday “gusts of more than 90 kilometers per hour, rains and probable snowfalls in high mountains until Saturday 29”.
While on Sunday “cold air with morning frosts and sunshine” will be recorded.