In the narrative of the author about whom Cordero’s essay is about, the literary work constitutes a source and reason
Outline of a phenomenology of memory in the thought of Marcio Veloz Maggiolo, was the essay awarded this year by the Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University. It is authored by the poet, essayist and philosopher, Tulio Cordero.
It was its annual literature prize, which has been awarded for the first time since 1996. The literature prize was dedicated to the essay. For the poet Marino Berigüete and the UNPHU Poetic Observatory, the reinstatement of the award has great value, as it enhances the literary tradition rooted in national values.
Basilio Belliardpoet and essayist, read the minutes of the jury that awarded the prize to the essay “Outline of a phenomenology of memory in the thought of Marcio Veloz Maggiolo” by author Tulio Cordero.
The essay is a model of analysis and interpretation, from a philosophical perspective, with academic rigor and appropriate use of notes and bibliography, the jury said.
Marcio Veloz Maggiolo spoke on more than one occasion about the presence and importance of memory in his literary work and left innumerable clues about his conception of memory and its manifestation or phenomenology, says Cordero.
Veloz Maggiolo in his novel Memoria tremens, the homodiegetic narrator says of himself, I am a deliverer of my own memories and the memories of others. “Memory, if it is not given, is lost,” Cordero quotes Veloz Maggiolo.