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TSJ investigates fate of trial for forced disappearance

The attempted murder of Gilberto Correa enters the trial stage

The Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice has issued two sentences by which it requests the Anzoátegui Court of Appeals to report on a pending trial against a Cicpc official accused of forced disappearance of persons and breach of international agreements.

The prosecuted official is identified as Carlos Miguel Vargas Reyna. But in file BP11-P-2011-000123, the identity of other prosecuted officials is observed, including four from the Cicpc-Ciudad Guayana, namely: Lenz González Fuentes, Etduars Pérez Nuñez, Kelwin Bernardo Girón and Regino Morillo Silva.

Javier Muñoz Amador, José Vargas, Fernando Russian and Víctor Franco Flores, from the Cicpc-Valle de la Pascua (Guárico) and Deivys Rojas, attached to the National Division against Extortion and Kidnapping of Caracas, are also prosecuted.

These officials allegedly made up a criminal gang of which Leonardo Alcántara, Manuel Rincón Suez, Luis Adolfo Villarroel Valenzuela and Pedro Pablo Ceballos Caraballo are also named.

This mixed group presumably participated in the kidnapping and disappearance of the Guariquí rancher Arturo Camaripano and the veterinarian Carmen González, an event that occurred on February 4, 2010 on the rural road that connects Las Mercedes del Llano and Santa Rita de Manapire (Guárico).

Once the act was committed, Alcántara, Rincón, Villarroel and Ceballos fled with the victim’s vehicle, among other goods. Then they cut off communication with their bandmates, the Cicpc agents, according to investigations.

It is for this reason that the Cicpc agents persecute their cronies on October 25, 2010 in the San Tomé-El Tigrito section, south of Anzoátegui, “and execute them without allowing them to defend themselves against the elements that incriminated them in the kidnapping of Arturo Camaripano”, says the file, referring to the murder of Villarroel and Ceballos. While Alcántara and Rincón are missing.

For these facts, sub-inspector Vargas Reyna was sentenced to 18 years in prison, the Prosecutor’s Office reported on February 5, 2016. That sentence was annulled the following year by the Anzoátegui Court of Appeals, Barcelona extension, alleging that the trial court “lucubra on the conviction of the facts”.

By annulling the sentence against Vargas Reyna, the Court of Appeals ordered a new trial for that Cicpc official. This agent refused to acknowledge the arrest or provide information on the destination or situation of the disappeared persons (Alcántara and Rincón), “despite there being crossover calls that located him at the scene of the events, that is, the national highway Cantaura-Barcelona between 4 and 5 in the afternoon”.

It is precisely about that trial that they ordered to repeat against Vargas Reyna about which the Constitutional Chamber asked, as read in sentences 1119, issued on December 9, 2022 and 0377 of April 28.

The first time, that is, December 2022, the Anzoátegui Court of Appeals did not respond to the request of the Constitutional Chamber and for this reason the magistrates issue a new sentence ratifying the same question to the eastern judicial instance.
This investigation was undertaken by the Constitutional Chamber to form an opinion and to be able to give an answer to Luis Arnaldo Alcántara, father of Leonardo Andrés Alcántara Martínez, one of the disappeared.

The father of that disappeared person filed an appeal for amparo requesting justice because he presumes that the Cicpc official is evading the Judiciary, since they have carried out tax inspections and the subject has constantly violated the custodial measure.

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