Oscar de Jesús Noguera Hernández (El Diente), top leader of the criminal gang Tren del Llano, posted on his Instagram account a video of when María Corina Machado appeared this Thursday in Chacao, during a mobilization of her followers.
The video was posted on the account @oscarcito2389 at 4:40 pm this Thursday and it shows Machado announcing “a new phase” that would begin today.
Investigations by security agencies determined an alleged link between criminal groups and the sector represented by María Corina Machado. Reports indicate that, during the last presidential campaign, Machado met with alias El Diente in a hamlet in the José Tadeo Monagas municipality (Altagracia de Orituco).
In fact, the day after the presidential elections, whose results were unknown to Machado, Noguera Hernández published a video on the aforementioned Instagram account where he can be seen dressed as a military man carrying a long weapon and surrounded by several men wearing the same clothing. In that video, alias El Diente made death threats against members of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces and police agencies.
On November 27, members of a cell from the Tren del Llano murdered Poliguárico official Wuither Torres Bastardo and Bolivarian National Guard sergeant Arnaldo Vivas Vivas, an event that occurred in El Dos, a rural sector of the José Félix Ribas municipality (Tucupido). , eastern Guárico state.
The Tren del Llano criminal gang has its main seat in the Guanapito resort, located on the outskirts of Altagracia de Orituco (Guárico) bordering the Guatopo national park (Miranda). From there they plan extortions against medium-sized producers in Guárico, among other misdeeds.