Treatments for cancer patients in Colombia have made positive progress, according to experts

Treatments for cancer patients in Colombia have made positive progress, according to experts

In this age of great technological advances there is also room for medicine, which has presented important changes and transformations for cancer patients and that they are in different treatments.

And it is that these treatments include tests that state-of-the-art equipment is required, such as Tomotherapy and robotic radiosurgery with CyberKnifewhich have allowed specialists to offer a life expectancy to people who receive diagnoses of this type.

As confirmed by the specialist in radiotherapy oncology and expert in the management of advanced techniques for the radiant treatment of cancer, William Alberto Baquero, who new targeted drugs and immunotherapy are some of the important advances for the treatment of this disease in Colombia and the world.

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Likewise, he said that they are relevant acquisitions for examinations such as positron emission tomography, image-guided radiotherapy, helical radiotherapy and intracranial and extracranial radiosurgery, which have allowed a significant improvement in the local control of the disease.

It should be noted that these advances are decisive in the quality of life of patients, with a decrease in side effects and metastasis-free survival.

Finally, the specialist emphasized that this is a great achievement for the country, however, he warned that there is a tendency to associate the word cancer with death; nevertheless, an injury detected in time allows an effectiveness of up to 95% in its treatment.

Cancer in Colombia

For its part, the Colombian Ministry of Health stated that one in three men over the age of 50 have been diagnosed with prostate cancerwhich constitutes the second cause of cancer mortality in the male population in the world.

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In the case of breast cancer, one of the most common in women in the world, the arrival of new diagnostic studies such as three-dimensional mammography (tomosynthesis), regular visits to the mastologist and breast self-examination allow timely detection of this disease and the application of primary treatments based on surgery, hormone therapy and radiation therapy with excellent results.

According to updated figures from the Global Cancer Observatory, breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women, with 15,509 new cases, followed by colorectal and cervical cancer. In the case of men, The cancer with the highest incidence was prostate with 14,460 new cases, followed by gastric, colorectal, and lung cancer, among others.

In total, 113,221 new cases of cancer were diagnosed in Colombia so far in 2022.

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