The integrated system of public transport, TransMilenium, confirmed the closure of at least 14 stations due to a demonstration on 34th Street, which affected mobility.
“The demonstration outside the operation continues. Due to the novelty, the stations are no longer attended: Calle 76, Calle 72, Flores, Calle 63, Calle 57, Marly, Calle 45, Av. 39, Calle 34, Calle 26, Calle 22, Calle 19, Av. Jimenez and Tercer Milenio”, Transmilenio indicated.
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This being the case, detours are advanced in the trunk fleet that goes north, taking the 26th Street and Av. NQS to the north, In addition to the fleet that goes to the South, it deviates in Heroes by the Calle 80 to the west and Av. NQS to the south.