Services related to tourism were 41.39% more expensive in June, compared to the same month last year, according to a survey by the Federation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism of the State of São Paulo (FecomercioSP), based on data of the Broad National Consumer Price Index (IPCA), of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The air ticket was the item that most contributed to the increase, with a variation of 122.40% in 12 months.
According to FecomercioSP, the increase is partly justified by the high season, when the school recess traditionally contributes to the increase in ticket prices. The entity points out that the cost of kerosene and the dollar, in addition to the limitation of seats on aircraft and the difficulty of companies to recompose manpower, are factors that influence the inflation of the tourist sector.
In the monthly variation, from May to June there was an increase of 3.51%. Once again, the highlight is airline tickets, with 11.32%. Next are the prices of cinema, theater and concert services, with a monthly variation of 1.51%. The cost of the tourist package grew 1.5% and 0.47% was the increase in the accommodation item. Vehicle rentals dropped 2.44% and interstate buses, 0.08%, were the only ones that registered a drop.
For FecomercioSP, the significant increase in airfares is a negative sign for the tourism chain, given that the item is a driver of accommodation, food, vehicle rental, among other services. The entity assesses that the skyrocketing prices make consumers rethink their travel schedule.