Calling the attention of political, economic and civil society leaders to the changes that Paraguay needs is the main objective of the book “Paraguay. 10 pillars for social progress”, published by former Minister of Finance César Barreto and which will be presented today, Tuesday, May 10, at 6:30 p.m., at the Sheraton Asunción Hotel, during the PERSPECTIVES FROM 2022 panel.
The book collects the main articles that Barreto wrote in the last 25 years on public policies and the necessary reforms to promote the economic and social development of our country, organized in 10 chapters that are the key areas of reforms.
“There are others that I have not yet written enough about, but I will do so in the coming years.
As I mentioned before, these reforms were not made even though they were already necessary in all those boom years we had thanks to the tailwind of high commodity prices. Therefore, today they are even more urgent”, expresses the author about the work that will be presented.
The former Minister of Finance warns that if we do not make the reforms, we will enter a long period of stagnation and continuous deterioration of the social situation and the living conditions of the people. “This is exactly the final message that he left in the book,” he explains.
The publication deals with the contribution of reasonable, sensible and sustainable public policies that will allow Paraguay to take advantage of and combine in the best possible way the resources available to accelerate the process of economic and social development of our country and improve the living conditions of the population. people.
The compilation of the most relevant articles published by the author as a whole presents a vision of the pillars of the necessary development strategy, considering our resources and the development opportunities that enable us, as well as the adequate approach to structural factors and weaknesses. That in