The executive director of the Executing Technical Unit for State Land Titling (UTECT), Mérid Torres, handed over to the director of the National PoliceMajor General Eduardo Alberto Then, eleven definitive property titles to the same number of police detachments, located in different provinces of the country.
The act of delivery of the certificates was carried out in the office of the director of the uniformed police, in the presence of the Executive Commissioner for Police Reform, José Vila del Castillo, General Pedro Cordero Ubri, inspector general of the National Police and the deputy director of the Eastern Regional UTECT, Rubén Céspedes.
“Among the changes, it is required that the institution’s own facilities be duly titled, we bring the certificates of titlein the name of the Dominican State so that they are delivered in usufruct by National Assets to the National Police”, said the head of the UTECT.
He indicated that every time the technical brigades of the institution carry out technical work, surveys of the National Police barracks are carried out, which must be duly titled.
Meanwhile, the director of the National Police, Eduardo Alberto Then, expressed being pleased with the work being done from the UTECT, since the fruits are being seen.
“We, from our glorious National Police and all the members that make it up, want to thank the executive director of titling, Mérido Torres, for this initiative that has been taken in favor of our institution,” said the senior officer.
The titles delivered belong to the Barranquito, Guaraguao and La Reforma detachments of the Duarte province; Jobo Corcobado and Montecristi, from the Montecristi province; Tabara Arriba and Las Barias in the province of Azua.
Likewise, the San José detachments in the Peravia province; Hacienda Estrella, North Santo Domingo; Las Marías in Espaillat and Hato Mayor.