In this long holiday, at least one million tourists will travel by National Holidays within the country and, of them, 1 out of 10 travelers will use a private transport and will have to supply their vehicle with some fuel, according to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism.
Tips to save gas
Given the national and international situation of gasoline prices, the AhorroYa! Prima AFP gives you 5 tips to make efficient use of fuel and, at the same time, save without realizing it.
- Check your tires before the trip. Better safe than sorry. Depending on the temperature and weather conditions, vehicle tires need more pressure than usual. In low temperatures such as those that have been felt in Peru, driving using tires with low pressure can increase the percentage of gasoline consumption.
- Only carry what is necessary in the trunk. In case it is a short trip, do not overload the trunk of the car with things that you will not use, since driving with a large load in your trunk causes fuel consumption, especially in small cars, to be much higher.
- Plan the route. To avoid setbacks on the holiday, calculate the distances and plan in advance the technical stops, breaks and refueling throughout the route. This way you will make more efficient use of the time that the car will be in use and, with it, the consumption of gasoline will also be efficient.
- Maintain a constant and uniform speed. By keeping the speed as uniform as possible, you make your engine work less and, therefore, the consumption of gasoline is lower. Also, in prolonged stops it is advisable to turn off the engine, in order to take care of your fuel.
- Transform your gasoline consumption into savings. A part of all gasoline consumption you make can be converted into savings in a freely available account of Prima AFP. To do this you must register in the AhorroYa! and consume your fuel at any of the Repsol stations. This amount will be invested monthly in an account independent of the mandatory Fund account and you can dispose of it whenever you want. The only requirement is to have been registered with an AFP for at least 5 years and to be currently a member of Prima AFP.