Recent statistics indicate that in Peru there are around 535,000 cellars, of which approximately 150,000 are in Lima. These establishments are the main source of supply of food of a lot of people; they even had a more leading role during the pandemic thanks to their proximity and closeness to homes. However, at the beginning of the year, sales fell 70% in this area; In addition, they suffer from shortages, especially in regions where conflicts have become radicalized, such as Puno, Cusco, Arequipa and Ica.
LOOK: Andrés Choy, Association of winemakers on protests: “90 thousand wineries are in a critical stage”
Aprenda, the company with the most experience in the design and execution of projects that link large companies and institutions with micro, small and medium-sized companies in Peru, together with the IDB LAB, carried out a project called “Digital Warehouse” carried out for Strengthen the business and digital skills of winemakers in Lima and Callao. The results will be announced on March 22 and, in this context, they share 4 tips to increase sales despite the crisis at the beginning of the year:
- Encourage payments via electronic wallet: Electronic wallet transactions have increased in recent years, especially during the pandemic. Currently, there are a variety of applications that do not charge commissions, allow you to pay and collect quickly from your cell phone, and even eliminate all barriers by charging without contact with a QR code.
- Use instant messaging as a sales channel: In Peru, more than 4.5 million people make purchases or orders through instant messaging applications such as WhatsApp. First step, use the business version, generate a catalog of your main products, not by category, but by customer need (for example). Then, develop a digital communication strategy to sell more: Gather your main clients in groups to offer them special offers, among others. If you combine this tool with digital payments, you generate a virtuous circle that will boost your sales.
- Order and control finances digitally: At present, there are a series of online digital tools (free) that help businesses grow through the order and control of finances. In this way, one can record their sales and expenses, obtaining information instantly and in real time. In this way, better decisions can be made: take care of liquidity, schedule purchases and protect utility.
- Connect with your suppliers digitally: With this digital tool, you can coordinate with suppliers: Organize the inventory of the warehouse, request orders and take care of inventories so sales will not stop. It’s all a matter of starting as soon as possible to familiarize yourself with the applications and start the process of digital transformation of your winery.
Digital Warehouse
“Digital Winery” is a project executed by Aprenda Asociación financed by IDB Lab resources, which seeks to strengthen the business and digital skills of winemakers from Lima and Callao, whose businesses have been financially affected by the COVID-19 situation.
With the “Digital Winery” project, it was possible to work with 1,506 winemakers, who successfully adopted various digital tools to improve their business management. The full results of the “Bodega Digital” project will be presented in a virtual event on March 22. More information in ###.