The Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) arrested three individuals accused of leading an attempted assault on the Parachute Brigade, located in Maracay (Aragua), where six people were shot dead, according to military sources. This event occurred on Monday, July 29, after María Corina Machado denied the results of the presidential elections.
In this case, the detainees are Pablo Enrique Rojas Perdomo, José Rafael Guevara Basuelto and Carlos Mauricio Pacheco Cupiya, who were this Saturday in the Bicentennial Plaza of the capital of Aragon.
At the time of the arrest, members of the cell to which the detainees belonged confronted agents of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) in an attempt to rescue the trio, which was prevented by the military.
Following this arrest, another group of hooded individuals attempted to carry out street blockades and tire burning actions in the Plaza Bicentenaria, which required the intervention of another GNB commission.
For this last incident, Eiry Alejandro Leal Pantoja and Javier Alejandro Herrera Bravo were arrested, according to the report.
The detainees were handed over to the Public Prosecutor’s Office for criminal prosecution.