Before they celebrate their crime, in one day, police captured three criminals who stole cell phones and money from a policeman and two businessmen. At 12:10 in the afternoon, on the streets of Angaraes and Amazonas, police from the Huancayo police station detained Estiben Chanca Bruno (26), who became nervous, began to tremble and escaped, being chased and reduced by the agents.
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When questioned, he said he had a history of theft. During the search, the cell phone was found hidden in his underwear and he confessed that he stole the device from a car parked on Av. Leoncio Prado in Chilca. The mobile device belonged to police officer Wilfredo Nina R. (29), who recognized his phone. The non-commissioned officer said he works in Ayacucho and was on vacation. Stiven Chanca was arrested for aggravated theft.
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Shortly after, Rdedy Cainicela (35), arrested Stiven Solano Carbajal (19), after a camera caught him stealing a cell phone from the window of the cell phone store “Bluh” on Av. Ferrocarril N ° 388. The alleged thief was caught on Jr. Piura and had in his possession the stolen cell phone which he said he had bought. And police from the El Tambo police station captured Alex Ramos Sánchez (20), who along with another criminal who was able to escape, stole a cell phone and 500 soles from Jhon Álvarez’s store.