The president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, stressed that thanks to the reform of the Organic Law of Electoral Processes and the elaboration “of the Novise” Organic Law Simón Bolívar against the blockade and defense of the homeland, carried out by the Venezuelan Parliament During 2024, the electoral body had tools to summon megaelections on April 27.
Rodríguez proposed to the plenary officiate the CNE so that at the time of applications, these new instruments are applied so that those fascist leaders who continue to ask for sanctions and block against El País, cannot participate in the elections since these actions against the Patria, are under the legal umbrella of the Organic Law Simón Bolívar against the blockade, for the defense of democratic expression and must be applied with all the rigor. “This is a crucial moment for the defense of peace and dialogue,” he said.
The president of the National Assembly recognized the work of the governing body of the Electoral Power to establish the electoral schedule of next 27 since this year 9 comical processes will be developed in the country.
“These are 5 constitutional elections, if the Electoral Processes Law had not been reformed, different electoral processes could not be carried out on the same date. Just as we have worked to promote political participation, it is a crucial moment for the defense of peace and electoral results, ”said Rodríguez.
“One thing is conversation and dialogue and another is to use them to attempt against democracy. Now we are clear that many conversations with some sectors, especially the extreme right, were made with the hidden knife inside the sleeves. No more, he said, therefore, to defend the Republic, La Paz and defend ourselves from terrorism, the National Assembly approved the Simón Bolívar Organic Law against the blockade and for the defense of the homeland. ”
He assured that the PSUV and the Great Patriotic Pole will recognize all the results that result from the electoral contest of April 27 issued by the National Electoral Council. “Let’s go to the streets, let’s go to the neighborhoods, let’s go to the cities, the communal circuits, to the caceríos to look for the votes, and surely the revolution will triumph, in the elections of the next April 27
This was stated after being approved unanimously in the plenary session of the National Assembly on Tuesday, January 28, the agreement in support of the call made by the National Electoral Council (CNE) to choose the deputies to the National Assembly to the National Assembly , Governors of the States and legislators of the Legislative Councils, Mayors and Municipal Councils.
It should be noted that this agreement will also be extended to strengthen the approval of the result of the presidential elections made on July 28, 2024, request made by Deputy Adeco, José Gregorio Correa.
“La Manito” does not go pal dance
The deputy to the National Assembly (AN), Francisco Ameliach, during his speech affirmed that the MUD card (sadly known as that of the “Manito”) will not be able to participate in the megaelections of April 27, because its leaders dedicated themselves To call invasions, blockades and ignorance of electoral results, but by the law of political parties in force since the second half of the twentieth century, as well as what is established in the new Organic Law Simón Bolívar
“Every person who has asked for invasion, sanctions against the country, who are even actions linked to the crime of betrayal of the homeland, which is in the Criminal Code, cannot participate in a process of election. This is clear, as well as the political organization that postulates it, ”said Ameliach.
For his part, the opposition legislator Bernabé Gutiérrez, said they will ask to “ignore” “the lady who is calling abstention”, alluding to the extremist, María Corina Machado.