What is apology for crime?
This term refers to the exhibition, before a gathering of people or by any means of dissemination, of ideas or doctrines that exalt the crime or exalt its author.
How is apology for crime punished in Mexico?
Article 208 of the federal Penal Code establishes the following:
“Whoever publicly provokes to commit a crime, or makes an apology for it or for any vice, Ten to one hundred and eighty days of work will be applied in favor of the communityif the crime is not executed; Otherwise, the sanction that corresponds to him for his participation in the crime committed will be applied to the provocateur.”
They propose increasing penalties
Because currently the apology of the crime is not punishable by prison, in February of this year, the deputy Melissa Estefanía Vargas Camacho (PRI) promoted reforms to two laws and a legal system, in this matter with the objective of increasing criminal sanctions for this conduct and considering it within the catalog of illicit acts of organized crime.
The document, sent to the United Commissions of Justice, and Radio and Televisionproposes reforming article 208 of the Federal Penal Code, Article 2 of the Federal Law against Organized Crime and section III of article 226 of the Federal Telecommunications and Broadcasting Law.
The proposal establishes that “if the apology refers to crimes whose purpose is to threaten the life of any person or group of people, one to three years in prison will be applied.”
“If the expressions of apology were against any public servant, the penalty could be increased to five years in prison,” the legislator argued.