Andrea Becerril
Newspaper La Jornada
Saturday June 11, 2022, p. 6
Representative of the PRI Platform current, Fernando Lerdo de Tejada reported that they will demand an Extraordinary National Assembly of that party, in which the deep crisis
facing the Institutional Revolutionary and the immediate departure of the National Executive Committee headed by Alejandro Moreno, since they do not have the legitimacy to make the substantive changes that are required
In an interview, the former legislator and former official commented that it is essential to take that step and immediately renew the current PRI leadership, to prevent that crushing defeat
of last June 5 is repeated next year in which the governorships of the state of Mexico and Coahuila are at stake.
Lerdo de Tejada noted that given the seriousness of the situation, together with other representatives of national currents of opinion within the PRI, such as those led by José Encarnación Alfaro and José Ramón Martell, they decided to set up a national front called Democracy and Social Justice
to refound the party.
From the outset, a call was made to historical leaders, current leaders, former candidates and to the millions of militants and sympathizers, so as not to let the PRI disappear before private interests that have nothing to do with those of Mexico
Lerdo de Tejada stressed that the management of Moreno Cárdenas, better known as wing has been closed to militancy, has moved in small groups
and has neither the ability nor the will to perform the major surgery the party needs
. It is a question of principles, not of people, of political ethics.
Even the PAN discriminates against him
To do this, it is necessary to convene an Extraordinary National Assembly to review structures and renew strategies, including the PRI’s participation in the Alianza Va por México, in which its role has been very weak. It is a party that seems plagued, that even the PAN members put it aside even when we go in coalition
In that assembly, he stressed, a profound reflection should be made on why the defeats, why the citizenry does not respond to the PRI and take the structural, planning and action measures that are required.
Likewise, Lerdo de Tejada explained, an alternative national plan must be created in order to establish a different option than the one indicated by Morena. Because today the only discourse, the only narrative that we hear is that of the 4T and it seems that the parties have nothing to promote, except for very circumstantial issues, of confrontation
In this context, he placed the constitutional moratorium
raised by the Alliance. It is unreasonable, because the legislators were elected to legislate