Alberto Gómez, president of the Union of Pensioners and Retirees of the IPS, said that the institution is currently collapsed due to mismanagement and poor administration of the pension funds of the Previsional.
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“What happens is that dishonest politicians seek to seize the funds of the box. First they tried to sell the properties of the IPS, but that issue was blocked. Now the Samaniego clan is carrying out a perverse bill supposedly disguised as help for the payment of suppliers, ”he said in conversation with Universo 970 AM of Nación Media.
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He explained that the law clearly states that IPS retirement funds cannot be raffled, the day you get to play “we’re fried”.
“We have USD 2,200,000,000 in the box, nor should the State have that amount in reserve“, highlighted the representative of the retirees.
The entrance They warn that “dishonest politicians” seek to seize IPS funds was first published in diary TODAY.