After the alleged poor quality of food for hospitalized patients at the “Dr. Arnulfo Arias Madrid” (CHDr.AAM), the deputy director of the Social Security Fund (CSS), Magister Edwin Rodríguez, toured the cold rooms, warehouse and kitchen of the Nutrition and Dietetics service to verify on site, the supply , supply of products that are used in the elaboration of more than 30 menus that are prepared for patients, according to medical prescription.
Rodríguez explained that currently in the cold rooms of the complex, enough meat products are kept to cover the needs of hospitalized patients, including those who can eat ordinary food. For the development, process and elaboration of the more than 30 menus, the Nutrition and Dietetics Service is based on the nutritional balance according to the requirements of the doctors treating each patient.
He said that at this time, an evaluation of the acquisition processes of food and meat products will be carried out, up to the payment of suppliers, since the rise in fuel has generated an increase in prices, which does not make participation attractive. of the suppliers, limited the deputy director of the CSS.
In the Hospital Complex, around 300 kilos of meat products are consumed in one day and around 4,500 meals are served between breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Every day, about 800 breakfasts are prepared and dispensed by the collaborators of the Nutrition and Dietetics department of the Hospital Complex. These breakfasts include 33 types of diets for heart, kidney and diabetic patients, among others.