The Ministry of Commerce summoned business entities, trade unions, consumer protection organizations, public organizations, universities and representatives of the provinces and the City of Buenos Aires to a meeting to define a “work agenda” for the Observatory of Prices and Availability of Inputs , Goods and services.
The call was established through resolution 99/2022, published this Thursday in the Official Gazette.
The meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 22 and it will also approve the internal operating regulations of the entity created in September 2014 by Law 26,992, with the purpose of “monitor, collect and systematize the prices and availability of inputs, goods and services that are produced, marketed and provided in the territory of the Nation”.
For the meeting, whose schedule will be determined on Monday 21, representatives of the Argentine Banking Association (ABA), the Association of Public and Private Banks (Abapra), the Specialized Banking Association (ABE), the Association of Argentine Banks (Adeba), the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA) and the Argentine Confederation of Medium Enterprises (CAME).
The General Confederation of Labor of the Argentine Republic (CGT), the Argentine Chamber of Wholesale Distributors and Self-Services (Cadam), the Argentine Chamber of Supermarkets (CAS), the Argentine Federation of Supermarkets and Self-Services and the Association of Supermarkets were also convened. United (ASU).
The call was extended to “the various National Universities, the Professional Associations of Economic Sciences, the different User and Consumer Associations legally constituted and duly registered in the National Registry of Consumer Associations (RNAC) or the Chamber that groups them” , in addition to representatives of PAMI, AFIP, Customs, the Central Bank and the 23 provinces and the City of Buenos Aires.
Finally, they will be able to participate, prior registration at [email protected]“all those human or legal persons who, due to their competence or function, contribute to the fulfillment of the objectives of the Observatory of Prices and Availability of Inputs, Goods and Services”.
The law sanctioned eight years ago provided that the Observatory be chaired by the application authority (that is, the Secretary of Commerce) and made up of a representative of the Chief of Staff as vice president and others from the Ministries of the Interior, Public Works, Science , Technology and Innovation and Economy; and three of the legally constituted and duly registered user and consumer associations.