They submit a defendant for the disappearance of Luis Ángel González

Almost three months after the disappearance of the child Luis Angel Gonzalez Mendezthe Permanent Attention Office of Barahona will know on Monday a coercive measure against a man who was arrested and identified by the Public Ministry as the main person responsible for the act.

This is Anderson Daniel Pérez González, the ex-partner of Esther Fraila Méndez (the child’s mother), whose disappearance occurred on Sunday, February 6 of this year in the municipality of Vincent Noblewhile the six-year-old boy was playing on a street near his residence.

The last moment the minor was seen was recorded on a security camera. In said video, a car can also be seen approaching the child. The car was allegedly driven by Anderson Daniel Pérez González.

Anderson had been arrested in February along with five other people, including the minor’s mother, but they were released after several interrogations. However, Anderson was re-arrested after the Barahona Prosecutor’s Office found elements that compromised his responsibility.


It was Anderson’s actions prior to the boy’s disappearance that put him in the crosshairs of the authorities. Esther had revealed to investigators that since she decided to leave him and start a relationship with someone else, Anderson was jealous of her and sometimes made annoying calls.

Esther Fraila Méndez said that she felt very pressured by Anderson’s constant harassment and that he called her the Saturday before the disappearance and insulted Dionis, her current partner.

According to Esther, Anderson was also calling her the Sunday she disappeared. Luis Angel. She said that after a strong argument on the phone, she summoned her to the tourist resort “La María de Neiba” so that they could talk. She showed up that Sunday afternoon at the spa, but Anderson never showed up.

After returning home, she received the news that “her son seemed to have been swallowed by the earth”, that he was missing since 3:00 pm that Sunday and that no one has seen or knows anything about his whereabouts.

The disappearance of Luis Angel Gonzalez Mendez has generated consternation in the municipality of Vincent Noble, where the community members have combed the river, irrigation canals, bushes, banana groves and cane fields. The Fire Department, the National Police and community organizations have searched the entire 246 square kilometer municipality, without success so far.

Practicing journalist since 2014. He has practiced the profession in the main print media in the Dominican Republic. She writes about court cases, human rights, crime, and other social issues.

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