The National Service for Quality and Animal Health (Senacsa) reported that our country exported 305,091 tons of beef from January to November 2022.
The report indicates that in the first eleven months of this year, exports of bovine meat 305,091,848.58 kilos of the product, for a value of $1,578,423,290.29, according to data revealed by the official Veterinary Service.
The report further details thatin terms of bovine offal, a total of 51,501,429.41 kilos were exported so far this year for an approximate value of 100,675,146.70 dollars, and in what refers to the work achieved in November of this year amounts to 152,626 head of cattle, with a total of 38,271,072 kilograms.
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The report also refers to the fact that between January and November of this year the main beef export markets were: Chile with more than 121,119,123.52 kilos, Russia with 59,657,739.69 kilos, Brazil with 36,305,221.80 kilos. , Republic of China (Taiwan) with 34,305,221.79 kilos, Israel with 14,168,855.80 kilos and Uruguay with 8,339,413.23 kilos.